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Additional Paint and Merchandise Prices

Here is where you'll find pricing for additional paintballs as well as any additional merchandise.


100 Paintalls

$7.00 + Tax

The smallest quantity of paint available for purchase.


500 paintballs

$25.00 + Tax

A bag of 500 is enough to refill your gun and ammo pack.

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1,000 Paintballs

$45.00 + Tax

Two bags of 500 Paintball to refill you and a friend!


2,000 Paintballs

$75.00 + Tax

1 Case of 2,000 Paintballs.

( 4 Bags of 500 Paintballs )

Enough to refill 4 players guns and ammo packs.


BT M-8
Paint Grenade

$10.00 + Tax

A paint grenade that explodes on impact, creating a impact radius of between 5 - 10 feet.


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Barrel Cover

$5.00 + Tax

If you are using your own gun, it must have a barrel cover on the end in order for it to be acceptable for use. 

If you do not have one, you can purchase one from us.


Jumpsuit Rental

$10.00 + Tax

Full body jumpsuits are available for RENT NOT PURCHASE.

A jumpsuit rental is a good way to ensure you have a good amount of layers and not get your clothes dirty.


No Fog Clothes

1 Wipe for $2.00 or 3 Wipes for $5.00 + Tax

If you are having a hard time seeing during the game and want to clear your sight up, try one of our Anti-Fog Wipes!


Extreme Gloves

$6.00 + Tax

Forget your pair of gloves at home?

Try out a pair of our one size fits all Extreme Gloves!

These gloves are NOT a rental.



Extreme Beanie

$6.00 + Tax

Forget a hat at home to cover your head?

Try out an Extreme Beanie Hat!

These hats are NOT a rental.

476 Boyden St, Waterbury, CT 06704, USA

(203) 982-8047

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